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Summer Camp

Scroll to see what’s in store for Summer 2025!

Treehouse 2025 presents

A midsummer night’s dream

July 7-27 — ages 9-17

A summer of magic, mischief, and mayhem! Bring A Midsummer Night’s Dream to life—where love tangles, fairies meddle, and the stage is yours.

Total Camp Price: $700*

Spots are filling fast - register your student today!

This year, students will have the opportunity to perform in front of live Yellow Tree Theatre audiences in addition to their performance for invited friends and family! Students will also have the opportunity to be involved in behind the scenes elements of the show if performance is not their first priority.

CAMP & Performance DATES

Week 1: July 7th - July 11th
Week 2: July 14th - July 18th

Camp will be held Monday-Friday 10am-3pm (time subject to change).

Invited Performance for Parents: July 17th 6:00pm

Public Performances:
July 18th 7:30pm
July 19th 7:30pm
July 20th 2pm
July 25th 7:30pm
July 26th 7:30pm
July 27th 2pm


  • 100% Refund if you cancel before June 9th, 50% Refund if you cancel before June 23rd

  • 1 Week Option is available upon request. Please email for more information.

  • Is your student unable to make a performance? No worries! This year, we're also teaching students the art of understudying. Each student will have the chance to be cast in a featured role while also stepping into supporting roles as an understudy, gaining valuable experience in adaptability and preparedness. There will also be a brush up rehearsal the morning of July 25th.

*We strive to make our pricing as affordable as possible, however we recognize that financial barriers may be a factor for participation. We have a small amount of full and half discount sponsorships available. To apply, please contact

become a sponsor

sponsor a summer.

Inspire a future.

Recently, we have been informed that statewide and federal arts funding have dramatically decreased or have been canceled making grant funding even more competitive and directly impacts this program. This is a drastic decrease like we have never experienced before.

If you are capable, please consider donating to the below causes:

Sponsor a student

Level 1

Sponsor meals for students

Level 2

Sponsor the creative team

Level 3

Sponsor the Treehouse legacy

Level 4

Past Treehouse Summer CampS